Louis Ye

SWE @ Google
Carleton College
Computer Science & Economics (Major)

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Life @ Carleton

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About Me



Search Depth in The Apprentice Learner Architecture: CS Research Intern

Carleton College w/ Dr. Anna Rafferty
Sept. 2019-Curr.

Upgrade Carnegie Mellon University Apprentice Learner Algorithm’s analysis of search depth and rule usage on fractional arithmetic datasets. Specifically, testing at search depth two on fraction problems invoking the greatest common divisor and least common multiple operations.

Student Behavior in Open-Ended Learning Environment: CS Research Intern

Carleton College w/ Dr. Anna Rafferty
Mar. 2019-Sept. 2019

Implement clustering algorithms (K-means), Differential Sequence Mining, and Lasso Regression on student behavior data from open-ended learning environments to understand and predict patterns in learning. Specifically, used k-means to cluster students by their actions, differential sequence mining to find differences in actions or action sequences between the clusters, and lasso regression to predict learning outcome based on the actions or type of actions taken by the student.

Fraction Arithmetic on Emmy's Workshop: CS Research Intern

Carleton College w/ Dr. Anna Rafferty
Jan. 2019-Mar. 2019

Run behavioral experiments and data analysis about fraction arithmetic and coding style using Inverse Reinforcement Learning Algorithm. Specifically, diagnosing student's misunderstanding from observed actions and catagorizing these misunderstandings into malrules such that students can better practice fraction arithmetic problems tailored to their weaknesses.


Extreme Blue Software Engineering Intern

IBM | Research Triangle NC (Remote)
May. 2021-Aug. 2021

Built a Carbon Angular predictive dashboard with scraping shipment data from IBM’sblockchain and scikit learn.

Software Intern

Locl.io | Portland OR
Nov. 2018-Jan. 2019

Wrote an ID3 Decision Tree using Python for Locl.io’s startup product that performs data analysis for Portland businesses using data from their Google My Business Account.

Software Intern

Axiom Custom Products | Portland OR
May 2018–Jun. 2018

Programmed a high-fidelity iPhone prototype using Swift for Axiom Custom’s startup product that was displayed at angel fund and seed funding meetings.


Muju Bracelet Engraving Startup

Northfield MN
Oct. 2019-Curr.

Cofounded a small collegiate bracelet engraving company where we laser engrave imported agarwood bracelets with college logos. Currently we operate on three different designs with a maximum of twenty bracelets in inventory at all times.

JuiceBox Project

Portland OR
Sept 2016–Jun. 2018

Built and designed numerous JuiceBoxes, a reusable robotics battery using solar energy, for the homeless community in Portland in a team of 12 engineers. Awarded $10,000+ in prize money at the Clean Tech Challenge (2016) and fundraised another $10,000+ in donations to fund future JuiceBoxes. Won the Lexus Eco Challenge (2016) for the project’s use of reusable energy and sustainability. While I am no longer part of the JuiceBox Project, it has evolved into Shine which raised over $60,000 in donations and operates across multiple states.

Life @ Carleton

Relevent Courses

  • Multivariable Calculus

    Vectors, curves, calculus of functions of three independent variables, including directional derivatives and triple integrals, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, line integrals, Green's theorem, sequences and series, power series, Taylor series

  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Performance

    Microeconomic theory of entrepreneurship, theoretical role of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs within company, business development of entrepreneurs case studies

  • Probability

    Discrete probability, random variables, independence, joint and conditional distributions, expectation, limit laws and properties of common probability distributions

  • Corporate Organization & Finance

    Tradeoffs in corporate organization, executive compensation, project valuation, the cost of capital under debt and equity financing, the firm’s optimal capital structure

  • Math of Computer Science

    Logic and proofs, number theory, elementary complexity theory and recurrence relations, basic probability, counting techniques, graphs

  • The Theory of Investment Finance

    Bond pricing, stock pricing, option pricing, the mortgage market, hedge funds, private equity, optimal portfolios, defaults, financial intermediary capital, investors' behavioral biases

  • Programming Languages: Design & Implementation

    Syntax and semantics, mechanisms for parameter passing, typing, scoping, control structures

  • Software Design

    Code construction techniques, debugging and profiling tools, testing methodologies, UML, principles of object-oriented design, design patterns, user interface design

  • Hardware/Software Interface

    Structure of computer processors, with attention to digital logic, assembly language, performance evaluation, computer arithmetic, data paths and control, pipelining, and memory hierarchies

  • Algorithms

    Greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, divide and conquer, and network flow. Applications of algorithm techniques in natural language processing, economics, computational biology, and data mining.

  • Linear Algebra

    Vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants, inner products and orthogonality, eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

  • Statistical Inference

    Resampling methods (permutation tests, bootstrap intervals), classical methods (parametric hypothesis tests and confidence intervals), parameter estimation, goodness-of-fit tests, regression, and Bayesian methods.

I took Data Structures prior to attending Carleton College and thus placed out of that class in college.


Computer Science Student Hiring Committee

Selected by the Carleton College Computer Science Department to be a representative of the student perspective in the hiring process for new Computer Science Professors.

Information Technology Services

As a Hardware Consultant, I am paid to provide hardware repair services such as Virus Removal, Software Troubleshooting, Hardware Repairs, and Tune Ups for faculty and students.

Carleton Club Tennis

I am the captain of the Carleton Club Tennis team and have represented the team at the regional tournment.

Carleton Developers Exchange

I am a member of Carleton's largest computer science organization and have competed in hackathons through this club.

Carleton Programs

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting

One of 10 students sponsored by Carleton to attend Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting in Omaha to hear Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger discuss investment decisions in a question and answer format.

Gettysburg Leadership Program

One of 12 students selected to attend the Carleton sponsored Gettysburg Leadership Program: an intense, three-day seminar introducing Carleton students to the concepts of leadership and team building in the context of liberal arts and business careers, using a historical framework. Led Jeff Appelquist, the author of Sacred Ground: Leadership Lessons from Gettysburg & Little Bighorn.

For Fun

I am very lucky to have a life outside of work filled with amazing friends. They are some of the brightest people I have ever met and have taught me how to be a better student and person, so I am constantly learning from them.

With them, you'll find me watching movies, eating a late night ramen meal, playing basketball (which I am terrible at), or even straight up napping! Among many other things, I love practicing tennis, lifting weights, and playing through a random Pokémon ROM hack.

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